Call Us: 403 - 507 - 4566 | A3, 5018 - 57 Ave., Olds, AB T4H 1J1
Monument vases are a time-honoured tradition that allows you to leave flowers to pay your respects to loved ones that have passed on. These products are designed to withstand our weather conditions and are perfect additions for upright markers and memorial stones. Most cemeteries today don't allow flowers or decorative items to be left on the grave site; vases now need to be adhered directly to the memorial base or monument.
When you need a way to commemorate and immortalize the memory of your loved ones, there is no better way than a custom-made memorial from Serenity in Granite in Olds. Contact us today for prices and other information.
Contact us to request a free quote for your memorial or monument
Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Service Area
Located in Olds, serving all of Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan, and the rest of Canada